In this pool, you pick the winner of EACH game of the playoffs. Each correct pick is worth 5 pts. In addition, you must assign your own point spread for
EACH game! If the team you pick to win covers your assigned spread, you get that many additional points.
Example: If you pick a team to win by 7 pts, and they only win by 6, you still get the 5 pts for the win, but no additional pts. If the team wins by 7 or
more, you get 5 pts for the win PLUS 7 pts for correct spread pick. (if they were to win by 20, you still would only get the extra 7 pts, as that is the
spread you assigned. If you picked 17 as the spread, and they won by 20, you would get 5 +17 for that game)
Highest point totals at the end of playoffs will win prizes. Prizes will be dependant on # of entrants...
Deadline: Pick(s) are due before kick off of first game of the week...
Prizes: 1st $250, 2nd $135, 3rd $65 (based on 23 entrants)
To make your picks...Click on link to open pick sheet (you will require Excel), then email picks to akasid22@gmail.com
Pick Your Spread Pool - Super Bowl
Pool Picks
...anti climatic final game, as top 3 stay the same...
Pick Your Spread Pool
Pool Standings