For all games of the playoffs, you must pick 3 things...
Straight up winner (15 pts), winner vs given point spread (25 pts), and over or under given total (10 pts).
Also, you must predict the NFC and AFC champions (25 pts each)...and the Super Bowl winner (50pts)
Poolies with most points accrued after Super Bowl game will win $$$!
Deadline: Picks are due before kick-off of the first game of the week...
Prizes: 1st $800, 2nd $400, 3rd $300, 4th $200 (based on 87 entrants)
In honour of a fallen poolie, there will be an Iceman Award this year! Person who finishes dead last in the pool, will get his/ her $20 entry back! This is no reflection of Iceman's ability, just a small token of remembrance. To be eligible, you must make ALL picks...right to the end!

To make your picks...Click on link to open pick sheet (you will require Excel), then email picks to
Super Bowl Pick Form
2025 Pool Standings
Things that make you go "hmmmm"...
...the saddest time of year is upon us, as another football season comes to an end...the saving grace is the Chiefs didn't win!
...Float My Boat, Alladin Sane (gulp!), and Bonecrushers ride Eagles romp to top 3 positions of pool...bumping long-time leader Jib Jab into 4th...
..."several" no shows for final picks lands Dragonslayer into the coveted Iceman Award, and a refund of his entry...congrat's!!! I think....
...thanks to all for your participation...and September can't come soon begin another frustrating season of NFL football prognosticating... the meantime, Hockey Playoffs are on the horizen...and this Thursday marks the start of this year's Golf Pool....followed soon by March Madness Squares Pool, and the 1st ever Baseball Fantasy, WOW!
Wildcard lines: BYES-KC/Det
1. LAC (-2.5) @ Hou 44.5
2. Pit @ Bal (-8.5) 46.5
3. Den @ Buf (-9.5) 47.5
4. GB @ Phi (-4.5) 46.5
5. Was @ TB (-3.5) 51.5
6. Min (-2.5) @ LAR 47.5
Conf.Semi's lines:
1. Hou @ KC (-7.5) 42.5
2. Was @ Det (-8.5) 54.5
3. LAR @ Phi (-6.5) 44.5
4. Bal @ Buf (-1.5) 51.5
Conf.Finals lines:
1. Buf @ KC (-1.5) 47.5
2. Was @ Phi (-4.5) 48.5
Super Bowl lines:
1. KC (-1.5) vs Phi 49.5
Wildcard results:
1. Hou Hou U
2. Bal Bal U
3. Buf Buf U
4. Phi Phi U
5. Was Was U
Conf.Semi's results:
1. KC KC U
2. Was Was O
3. Phi LAR O
4. Buf Buf O
Conf.Finals results:
1. KC KC O
2. Phi Phi O
Super Bowl result:
1. Phi Phi O
Wildcard (my picks - Vishus)
2. Bal Bal O
3. Buf Den O
4. Phi GB U
5. TB Was O
6. Min Min O
1. KC Hou U
2. Det Det O
3. Phi LAR U
4. Bal Bal O
1. KC KC O
2. Phi Phi O
Super Bowl
1. Phi Phi O
Playoff Football Pool
pool funds