Simple premise....
Answer all 35 questions found on Prop Pool entry form (questions are divided into 3 sections...1 point each, 2 pts each, and 3 pts each...
...poolie with MOST points wins the pot! (also...predict Super Bowl total score...only to be used as a tie-breaker)

Deadline: Submit your picks before Super Bowl kick off!
Prizes: $TBA, depending on # of entrants...

To make your picks...Click on link to open pick sheet (you will require Excel), then email picks to
Prop Pool entry form
1 Pt:
1 Heads
2 KC
3 SF
4 Pass play
5 SF
6 FG
7 No
8 Pass
9 SF
10 Over 35 yds
11 KC
12 xxx
2 Pt:
13 SF
14 Under 30.5
15 same
16 SF
17 KC
18 1st half
19 Complete
20 SF
21 Yes
22 KC
3 Pt:
23 No
24 Mahomes
25 Odd
26 McCaffrey
27 Yes
28 2 or less
29 Kelce
30 no
31 KC
32 2nd half
33 FG
34 FG
35 Mahomes
Ttl score: 47

...a close race ends with Big John eeking out the win!...I guess his coin flips were just a little bit better than everyone else!
...there were no coach's challenges, so NO ONE got pts for #12, since "none" was not an option...
2024 Standings
2024 Results
Prop Pool
pool funds